Host a candle making party at HHPLift!

• Learn how the LiftWorks program is creating jobs for the people who need them most.
All attendees must complete the waiver here.
Will everyone make a candle?
Yes! Eeryone will create a scent and candle.
Can I leave with my candle?
Candles will need to set and cure. They can be picked up in about two weeks (or bulk shipped to one location for a flat rate, or drop shipped for a flat rate + handling).
What is the cost? And how many people can attend?
We suggest a $45 per person donation with a minimum donation for 8 people (even if fewer than 8 people attend). While there is no maximum amount of donations, the most people we can accommodate is 20 people.
Do you supply food and decorations, or do we bring in our own?
Our candle making events are BYOG - Bring Your Own Goodies and BYOB. Alcohol is allowed. You can bring whatever decorations, food, drinks, and cutlery 1.5-2 hours prior to your event.
What about clean up?
We’ll take care of that.
So when can I host my party?
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 10-4 are the regular hours for parties. For weekday events after 5 pm, please reach out to for availability.
How long can the party be?
90-120 minutes
Can I bring the kiddos?
Children are allowed if accompanied by an adult.
Don't forget to have all attendees complete the waiver here.